Staff Training

Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) conducted training on Public Service Rules for staff that are relatively new in the system. The training held at the Institute’s Auditorium on Monday, 24 May 2021

Day one of Performance Improvement Staff Training organized by the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research for staff on grade level 3-6. The training held at the Institute’s Biomedical and Cancer Research Centre today Tuesday, 25 May 2021.

MRC Gambia Team’s Visit

The Genomics and Research Management Team of the Medical Research Council, The Gambia at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine (MRCG-LSHTM) led by Dr. Abdul Karim Sesay visited NIMR-Nigeria. The visit was on Capacity development and Technology transfer in Genomics research, and strengthening of collaboration between the two institutions. Other members of the MRCG-LSHTM team are Mr. Abdoulie Kanteh and Mr. Dembo Kanteh.

The MRCG-LSHTM Team facilitated a one-week hands-on SARS-CoV-2 Genome sequencing training using the Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Platform while on the visit to NIMR-Nigeria.

The key highlight of the training was on technology transfer on the use of MinION for the complete genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 recovered from nasopharyngeal samples of Nigerian COVID-19 patients and set the stage for genomic research collaborations on other infectious diseases of public health importance in Nigeria, including Malaria, Pneumonia,HIV & Diarrhea.

It also heralded the need for regular research exchange visits between researchers in NIMR and MRC, the Gambia.

2021 World Malaria Day

Unique instruments

Unique Instruments & Science Company Limited donated HIV 1 Genotyping Kit with an integrase coverage module to NIMR on April 22, 2021. The DG and Management (NIMR) are grateful for receiving this kit that enables reliable genotyping of genetically diverse HIV-1 virus from plasma and dried blood spot (DBS) samples and detection of HIV-1 acquired drug resistance to integrase inhibitors.