The Center for Tuberculosis Research (CTBR) is a unique collaborative Research Center in the Department of Microbiology of the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research. The first National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory in Nigeria is domiciled within this Center.
The Center for Tuberculosis Research (CTBR), is a unique collaborative Research Center founded in July 2017 in the Department of Microbiology of the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research. The first National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory in Nigeria is domiciled within this Center. This Center contributes to the WHO End TB Strategy programme through research, service and training. CTBR conducts a range of multi-disciplinary research and training by dedicated scientists and support staff in collaboration with universities, public and private sector organizations within the sub-region and internationally.
- Evaluated national treatment options for DRTB
- Successfully re-assessed by SANAS for ISO 15189 accreditation
- Good performance in External Quality Assurance programmes
- Received equipment support from IHVN
- Triage Test for All Oral DR-TB Regimen (TRIAD) (In Collaboration with Institute of Human Virology, Abuja, Nigeria)
- Desk Review with Whole Genome Sequencing of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
- Correlation of Clinical Outcomes of Patients on Anti-Tuberculosis Regimen
- Exploration of Marine Bacterial Community Genomics in Nigeria Coastal Waters for Prospective Novel Drugs and Bio-pharmaceutics (In Collaboration with Microbiology Department, University of Lagos)
- Phase 2 Sequencing of Drug Resistant TB (REST HUB) Project – CTBR (In collaboration with In Collaboration with US CDC and Institute of Human Virology, Abuja, Nigeria)
- Genomic Information Surveillance on Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates from Nigeria/TB-Portal – CTBR (In Collaboration with Adjunct Professor)
- Transposing multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis molecular and genomic epidemiology to Public Health and Product Development in Nigeria (In Collaboration with University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Completed Research Activities
- Phase 1 Sequencing of Drug Resistant TB (REST HUB) Project – (In collaboration with US CDC and Institute of Human Virology, Abuja, Nigeria)
- Whole Genome Sequencing for Investigating Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Transmission, Genetic Diversity and Multi-Drug Resistance Prediction in Lagos, Nigeria – (In Collaboration with Redeemer University)
- Molecular Epidemiology and Multidrug Resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex
- Susceptibility Testing of Delamanid and Bedaquinine using BACTEC MGIT 960 – (In collaboration with Institute of Human Virology, Abuja, Nigeria and Nation TB Control Programme)
- Diagnosis of TB and Management of Paediatric TB (EDCTP-WANETAM Grant)
- Study on the Evaluation of Respiratory Tract Bacterial Co-infections with COVID-19 Severity in Lagos, Nigeria
- Bioprospecting for Antituberculous Potentials of Culturable Marine Actinomycetes from Lagos Lagoon Sediments
Grant Awards
- EDCTP-WANETAM-3 Grant – Dr. Onyejepu N.
- HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2022-CALL 1-01-03 – Dr. Onyejepu N.
- NIMR Innovation Grant – Dr. Onyejepu N.
- Postdoc in Mahidol University, Thailand – Dr. Davies-Bolorunduro O.F
- EDCTP-WANETAM-2 Grant – Dr. Onyejepu N.
- EDCTP TMA Award – Dr. Onyejepu N.
Laboratory services: National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory
The Center offers diagnostic services for pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB using both conventional and molecular methodologies under quality management system, good clinical and laboratory practice (GCLP). The CTBR is equipped with biosafety level 2 and 3 laboratories and a molecular diagnostic suite. We also prepare quality panels for public and private laboratories on TB microscopy and geneXpert. Our service is supported by the Nigerian Government (National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme), implementing partners (Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria) and Tuberculosis Supra Reference Laboratory, Milan, Italy, Tuberculosis Supra Reference Laboratory, Antwerp, Belgium and Tuberculosis Supra Reference Laboratory, Cotonou, Benin).
In November 2019, CTBR obtained international accreditation to ISO15189 by South Africa National System (SANAS) on TB Microscopy and PCR-TB Identification and Drug Susceptibility Tests (GeneXpert and Hain). In January 2022, the Centre was successfully re-assed and the scope of accreditation was expanded to include TB Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing.
The Center has characterized mycobacterial collections in her bio-repository which can be accessed for research. Terms and condition apply.
Training Programme:
The Centre utilizes its facilities for training of research scientists, and other organizations involved in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) and other mycobacteria projects. We also provide hands on training for students on Internship and Industrial Training on TB Diagnostics as listed below:
- AFB Microscopy using light and fluorescence microscope
- GeneXpert
- Line Probe Assay (LPA) – First- & Second-Line Anti-TB Drugs
- Culture using solid (Loweinstein Jenseen media) and liquid (BACTEC MGIT 960 System)
- Indentification of TB isolates using conventional biochemical tests and molecular methods
- Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) using solid (Loweinstein Jenseen media) and liquid (BACTEC MGIT 960 System) – First- & Second-Line Anti-TB Drugs
- MIRU-VNTR Typing
- Sequencing
We also provide training on the following:
- Biosafety training
- Advanced tuberculosis reasearch for health professional and post graduate students
- Establising and maintaining quality assured TB laboratory services for public and private health practitioners
- Diagnosis, treatment and conduct of research on multi drug resistant TB (MDR-TB)
Other Services provided by the Center:
- Quality audit for laboratories using SLPTA checklist
- Monitoring and supervision for public and private laboratories
- Technical assistance for public and private laboratories
- Mentorship on Quality Management Systems for laboratories preparing for accreditation
Contact us:
E-mail: ctbr.micro@nimr.gov.ng

Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory Suite

Sample Processing Room in Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory Suite

Sample Processing Room in Biosafety Level 2 Laboratory Suite

GeneXpert Room in Biosafety Level 2 Laboratory Suite

Molecular Suite for Molecular Diagnosis of TB