Our Mission
- To contribute to effective control of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Nigeria by identifying research gaps and opportunities, while focusing activities on current areas of research needs
Our Objectives are:
- To identify the present status on NTDs in Nigeria by finding out what has been done and what is yet to be done and the areas of research needs that NIMR as a research institute can make an impact
- To seek funding agencies for grants on NTDs through the websites of such organizations, as well as possible sources of fund from within Nigeria
- Collaboration with the FMoH (Dr Nebe) and reopen discussions with MDCN Ouagadougou (Dr Toe Lorence) on the Onchocerciasis surveillance in West Africa.
- To develop research capacity for NTDs in group members
Proposed Activities:
- Capacity Development for the group has been proposed on ???Methods in determining burden of disease
- Proposal to conduct risk assessment of Buruli ulcee
Proposed Activities:
- Research proposal and obtain ethical and administrative approvals
- Engage in advocacy visits
- Procure materials & develop study tools, train and pilot test study instruments
- Finalize study instruments and procedures and produce final copies
- Conduct field data collection by collecting data on: (a) Extent of knowledge of the diseases among health workers and the general public (b) Case definition of the diseases in the laboratory and at the community level (c) Training needs of health workers and community health workers.
Expected Outcomes:
- Evidence generated on the diseases among health workers and the general public
- Evidence on case definition of Buruli ulcer in the community and laboratory
- Identify necessary interventions for building capacity in health care workers
- Provide evidence on presence and functionality of surveillance system on the diseases at the State and LGA levels.
- Provide evidence on the M & E process of control activities on the diseases.
- Determine presence and functionality of surveillance system on the diseases at the State and LGA levels.
- Document and compare the surveillance systems at the State and LGA levels.
- The M & E process of control activities on the diseases.
- Anchor production and use of policy briefs targeted at various audience in the Institute
Group Members
Dr. O.P Akinwale???? Director of Research / (Group Header) |
Dr. M.A Mafe???????????????? Director of Research |
Dr. Y.A Olukosi?????????? Senior Research Fellow |
Dr. M.A Sulyman???? Research Fellow l |
Mr. A.K Adeneye???? Research Fellow ll |
Mrs. J. Okwuzu???????? Research Fellow ll |
Mr. A.?? Adesanmi?? Junior Research |