Minister Visit

The Honorable Minister of State, Federal Ministry of Health, Senator. Dr. Olorunnimbe Mamora paid a working visit to NIMR on Monday 8 March 2020 to commission the Institute’s newly acquired DNBSEQ-G50 (Next Generation Sequencer (NGS)).

Ventilators donated to FMoH

Director General/CEO – NIMR, Prof. Babatunde Lawal Salako (first from right) presented 60 Units of Non-invasive Ventilators to Federal Ministry of Health on 31st August 2020 as part of the institute’s contribution to the fight against COVID -19 pandemic.

The item was received by Dr. Baba Ahmed and his colleague on behalf of the Ministry.

NIMR Biotech Total RNA Purification Kit

The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research has launched the country’s first set of local Ribonucleic Acid purification kits to help expand the nation’s capacity to test for COVID-19.

In his address at the official commissioning of the kits on Tuesday Tuesday 30th June 2020, Director-General of NIMR, Prof. Babatunde Lawal Salako explained that the local RNA kits would address the perennial problem of test kits shortage in the country and help ramp up daily testing capacity for COVID-19.

“The idea of producing the local Ribonucleic Acid purification kits was conceived after we noticed how its scarcity was delaying tests and other backlogs of samples,”

The product was christened NIMR Biotech Total RNA purification Kit.

SARMAAN II Vacancy Advert

We are excited to announce the recruitment of motivated, skilled, and passionate individuals to be part of the groundbreaking SARMAAN II Project (Safety and Antimicrobial Resistance of Mass Administration of Azithromycin in children 1-59 months in Nigeria). This innovative research aims to investigate the safety of administering Azithromycin among children 1-59 months across seven states in Nigeria, to reduce under 5 mortality and contribute to global knowledge on antimicrobial resistance.
As we embark on this pivotal project, we are seeking dedicated and passionate professionals to join our dynamic team. The positions available include:

  • Project Manager
  • Lab Manager
  • Science Communicator
  • Accounting Officer
  1. Job Type: Full Time
  2. Location: Lagos