NIMR Humboldt

Opening speech of the German Consul General in Nigeria, Dr. Munchow-Pohl, during the handover of the Humboldt funded ultra-low deep freezer and upgraded qPCR to the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research.

I am happy to be here today at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research for the symbolic hand over of this Research equipment as German contribution to the important work which continues to take place at the Institute. I know this appointment has been rescheduled a few times, and so I am glad we are able to have this now, and that I am the one who gets to do the honors.

Today marks another milestone in the Germany-Nigeria cooperation in area of research and academic cooperation. I would like to appreciate the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for this Equipment Grant awarded to the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research. With significant funding from the German government, the Humboldt Foundation promotes international collaborations in the field area of Research on a global scale. As Germany’s official representation in Lagos covering the southern states, the Consulate General is always very happy to support its projects in Nigeria, especially in the medical field – whether it is the fight against the Corona virus or harmful microorganisms such as helicobacter pylori. It is our hope that this contribution, modest as it may be, will go a long way in this effort.

My special thanks go to Prof. Dr. Stella Smith for carrying us along and putting this ceremony together. I know she has longstanding contacts with our mission, and one of my predecessors who, in another lifetime, was one of my classmates in diplomatic training, particularly mentioned his encounters with her when he recently summed up some highlights of his time in Nigeria. Your collaboration with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has been an important element of continuity in the scientific exchange between our countries.

I hereby officially hand over the equipment and extend my very best wishes to the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, its researchers and its technical staff, for their present and future endeavors to the benefit of all Nigerians, and to humankind.

Thank you.

Call for Proposal for VHF Extramural Grant


NIMR Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Project

Call for Proposal for VHF Extramural Grant

The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) Viral Haemorrhagic Fever (VHF) Project, is an extramural research program designed to forge collaboration with Universities and allied Research Institutes. It seeks to understand the ecology of viruses associated with viral haemorrhagic fever and their hosts in order to develop an effective public health strategy for their control in Nigeria. The main goal of this project is to characterize major viruses associated with VHFs, provide information on main reservoirs of infection in VHF-prone areas and train a crop of young scientists in support of the National Control Program.

NIMR VHF Scholars

Each prospective NIMR VHF scholar must submit a grant application which will be assessed and the best scoring application will be awarded the extramural grant.

Eligibility Requirements:- Each candidate must:

Have registered for MSc or Ph.D. at the University of Lagos, Ibadan, Ilorin, Lead City University, or Delta State University.
Be interested in working on VHF for the postgraduate program;
Submit a summary of the approved research proposal plus budget (Maximum – six pages)
Provide a letter of support from the University Supervisor

Grants will be awarded on a competitive, peer-reviewed basis, and will be based on the feasibility of timely completion of the program. Grants of N400, 000 – N750, 000 each will be awarded to successful applicants. The grant will support fieldwork and laboratory activities.

Successful applicants will be required to submit quarterly updates and summary reports to NIMR Grants Management office and to the VHF Research Team, and present their research findings at the Institute’s annual scientific conference. They are also encouraged to publish in the Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research, NIMR official Journal.


Interested applicants should submit their applications online to
Typeset application not more than six A4 pages (12 points font size using Times New Roman format)

Proposals should be structured as follow:

  • Background
  • Rationale and Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Expected outcome
  • References (Vancouver style and not more than 20)
  • Timeline
  • Budget and justification
  • Two-page Curriculum Vitae of the Principal Investigator should be enclosed, (excluding the page limit and using NIH Bio sketch template).


We strongly encourage the inclusion of a realistic budget outline, keeping within the allotted amount for the grant, and fitting appropriately within a 12-month project and the required page limit.
Required documents and application letter must be submitted as a compressed ZIP folder
Subject line of the mail should be in this format – SURNAME, first name, degree type

Important dates:

Deadline for receiving application: November 15th, 2021                                                

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by November 30th, 2021

Commencement of Scholarship: December 1st, 2021

Question: Contact

Prof. Rosemary Audu or 08035017790

Center for Human Virology and Genomics,

Microbiology Department

WAHO & NiBSA Courtesy Visit

Delegates of West African Health Organisation (WAHO) lead by Professor Sow, the Head of Region-Wide Laboratory Services with the Nigerian Biological Safety Association President (NiBSA) Prof. Abiodun Denloye during a courtesy visit to Director-General / CEO, NIMR after inspection of Laboratory Facilities at Central Research Lab (CRL) & Centre for Human virology & Genomics (CHVG), NIMR for Sequencing and Toxicology Laboratory Strengthening in the West-Africa Region.

Trinity University Collaboration

The Vice-chancellor, Trinity University, Prof. Charles Korede Ayo and Dr. Modupeade Adetunji, Ag. Dean, Basic Medical & Applied Sciences, Trinity University visited NIMR on 17th August 2021 to deliberate on research and academic collaborations with the institute.

The collaboration and MOU will provide NIMR research staff the opportunity of adjunct research positions in the university.