The World Tuberculosis Day (WTBD) is a global event celebrated annually on the 24th of March to build public awareness on the fact that tuberculosis remains an epidemic leading to the deaths of nearly one-and-a -half million people yearly, especially in developing countries. The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research has over the years through her various Departments in particular the Center for Tuberculosis Research (CTBR), Department of Clinical Sciences and The DOTS Clinic contributed to the TB elimination efforts through research, training and service.
In line with the CTBR strategic plan 2019 to increase research output and strengthen quality management system towards ISO 15189 accreditation process; the Center wishes to mark this year WTBD themed ???It is Time??? with;
- A community outreach programme tagged ???Its Time to Find the Missing Cases??? on active case finding of TB in partnership with the Lagos State TB Control Programme, KNCV, International Partners, NGO???s and other stake holders on the 25th of March, 2019
- A public guest lecture will be delivered by Prof SIB Cadmus; an adjunct professor to the Center themed: ???It is Time; Research priorities and innovation in TB elimination??? on the 26th of March 2019 at the NIMR Auditorium.
- Stakeholders meeting 26th of March 2019 at NIMR Auditorium
The CTBR hopes that these events will bear on the global activities marking this year???s Day and initiate discourse on the impact of research on global elimination of TB.