A Retreat meeting held to deliberate on the implementation of NIH (National Institute of Health) USA, DH71 Grant on curriculum development for Bio-informatics and Genomics education in Nigeria. The Inaugural meeting was held at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research 7th ??? 9th February, 2020.
It was also a business meeting to deliberate on new Grants focusing on capacity building in Genomics of Non-communicable & Communicable diseases in the West African region involving the collaborations between NIMR and University of Lagos with other higher institutions within and outside Nigeria.
Distinguished delegates at the First University-NIMR research meeting for 2020 include Professor Babatunde Lawal Salako, the Director-General, NIMR, Professor Familoni, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Planning & Research), University of Lagos, Professor Oluyemi Akinloye, the Principal Investigator and the Director of Centre of Genomics & Personalized Health Care (CGNPH) University of Lagos, Professor N. Odunukwe, NIMR and Dr. Iwalokun Bamidele Deputy Director of Research, Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology NIMR, the Director (Wet Lab), CGNPH and co-investigator on the NIH D71 grant.