On the 26th – 27th January, 2022, the laboratories at the Centre for Human Virology and Genomics (CHVG) and Centre for Tuberculosis Research (CTBR), both in Microbiology Department, were successfully re-assessed for ISO 15189 accreditation. Both centers have accredited assays in the field of molecular biology, serology, chemistry, heamatology and microbiology.
These laboratories have consistently expanded the number of assays accredited from the initial 13 assays in 2017 to 16 in 2019 and with this recent success, the number of assays accredited has been further increased to include ???LJ Culture and Sensitivity??? for diagnosis of tuberculosis. This brings the current number of accredited assays in both centers to 17.
The leadership of the institute appreciates the efforts of all members of staff who have worked tirelessly to make this happen. Bravo, keep the quality flag flying!!!
The ISO 15189 accreditation is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as a reliable indicator of technical competence for medical laboratories.