The Genomics and Research Management Team of the Medical Research Council, The Gambia at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine (MRCG-LSHTM) led by Dr. Abdul Karim Sesay visited NIMR-Nigeria. The visit was on Capacity development and Technology transfer in Genomics research, and strengthening of collaboration between the two institutions. Other members of the MRCG-LSHTM team are Mr. Abdoulie Kanteh and Mr. Dembo Kanteh.
The MRCG-LSHTM Team facilitated a one-week hands-on SARS-CoV-2 Genome sequencing training using the Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Platform while on the visit to NIMR-Nigeria.
The key highlight of the training was on technology transfer on the use of MinION for the complete genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 recovered from nasopharyngeal samples of Nigerian COVID-19 patients and set the stage for genomic research collaborations on other infectious diseases of public health importance in Nigeria, including Malaria, Pneumonia,HIV & Diarrhea.
It also heralded the need for regular research exchange visits between researchers in NIMR and MRC, the Gambia.