The Malaria Research Group conducts research to improve understanding of the biology of malaria infection and studies to improve delivery and evaluate the efficacy of proven, cost-effective interventions for reducing transmission and severity of the disease in Nigeria. In line with the mandate of the Institute, the group provides research information and promotes timely communication of malaria research findings and outcomes by strengthening collaboration between malaria researchers and policy makers in Nigeria??????????????????????????????????????????
Research Work:
- Malaria Vector Control and insecticide resistance
- Tracking anti-malaria drug resistance
- Plasmodium population genetics
- Host factors associated with Plasmodium infection dynamics in Nigeria.
Malaria Microscopy Laboratory:
- The Institute established a malaria microscopy research and training laboratory in 2012 with a goal is to place the Institute in a strategic position as a reference center for malaria diagnosis.
Malaria Microscopy Training:
- This training program is routinely organised by the group and aimed at building a critical mass of microscopists needed for prompt diagnosis for effective scale up of malaria control interventions in Nigeria. The target audience include Medical Research Scientists, lecturers, laboratory scientist, postgraduate student and others interested in malaria diagnosis. The theme ??????Effective Malaria Diagnosis: sustaining the efficacy of Artemisinin-bassed Combination therapy??????, was carefully selected to serve the target audience in 2012. In all, 36 trainees participated, including 26 participants from 16 LGAs in Lagos State (sponsored by the State Ministry of Health) and 7 other self-sponsored participants from Lagos, Cross River and Ogun States. Based on the outcome and feedback, a follow up course was also held in 2013.
Group Members
Dr. T.S Awolola | Medical Entomologist /ParasitologistDeputy Director of Research
(Group Head) |
Dr. A Olukosi | Biochemist |
Dr. BA. Iwalokun | Biochemist |
Dr. O. Aina | Pharmacologist |
Dr. B. Adewale | Medical Parasitologist |
Mrs. J. Olojede | Microbiologist/Entomologist |
Mr. A. Adeneye | Medical Sociologist |
Mr. A.B. Orok | Medical Parasitologist |
Dr. L. Samdi | Medical Parasitologist |
Mrs. T. Fesobi | Laboratory Scientist |
Mrs. V.N.V. Enya | Medical Laboratory Scientist |
Mrs.. M.N. Aniedobe | Medical Laboratory Scientist |
Mr. O. Ajibade | ??Parasitologist |