Our Work

  • Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health research group scientists are researching into prevention, early detection and treatment of common diseases and conditions affecting women, children and men too. We are involved from basic molecular level to the community, aiming at identifying the mechanisms and personal, social and cultural factors that influence the likelihood of getting the common diseases and condition affecting women and children especially. Information generated from these researches will be disseminated at national and international conferences and in peer review publications and policy briefs. We hope and believe that this knowledge will be used to reduce the risks associated with these conditions; thereby saving the lives of women and children.

Research Activities

  • Basic Science ??? The group’s basic sciences researchers are currently focusing on Human Papilloma Virus genotype distribution among Nigerian women of known HIV status; effect of immunosuppression and antiretroviral therapy on HPV distribution and effect of HIV drugs on fertility. These studies will hopefully produce new insights on the basic biology of reproduction, cervical cancer and genital warts development.
  • Prevention ??? MaRCh Researchers work to prevent HIV, cervical cancer, maternal and infant morbidity and mortality and other diseases before they develop/occur, aimed at ensuring that women and children live healthier and longer lives. We are also investigating the potential impact of hand washing education in primary and secondary school on the health of children and young adults. We have also successfully implemented post exposure prophylaxis services for both occupational and non-occupational exposure to HIV and Hepatitis B viruses.


Group Members

Child Health Maternal?? Health Reproductive Tract Infection/Diseases Gender?? and women???s Health
Dr. Nkiru David??(Subgroup Head) Dr. O.C Ezechi???? Deputy Director of Research (Group Head) Dr. Titi Gbajabiamila(Subgroup Head)
Dr. SI Smith Mrs. Jane Okuzu Dr. Dave Oladele Mr. Sola Ajibaye
Pharm. Sabdat Ekama Miss Toyin Awoderu
Dr. Ezeobi?? P.M Dr. Dave Oladele Mrs. Zaidat Musa
Mr. Orok A.B. Mrs. Afocha E.E. Mrs. Ajoke Adagbada
Dr. Nkiru Nwokoye Prof. Innocent?? AO Ujah,
Mr. Ebenezer Odewale Mr. Bamidele T.A
Prof. Innocent?? AO Ujah, mni Mr. Yisau J.I